printf question

Christian Stimming stimming at
Mon Mar 21 15:29:35 EDT 2011

Am Montag, 21. März 2011 schrieb Geert Janssens:
> > >> -- ---------- Where does the output of the printf statement go?
> > > 
> > > If the start-up of gnucash still opens a separate console, it should 
> > > go there. If we've switched off that separate console, it goes
> > > nowhere.
> > 
> > How do I switch off that separate console?
> > How do I switch on that separate console?
> I hope Christian can give more details about this.

I forgot how we enabled or disabled this in the, but after 
compiling has finished, we have the "exetype.exe" executable that is used 
several times throughout the functions to switch applications 
without console into ones with console or vice versa. Just call "exetype 
my_prog_name.exe console" and this should turn on the console - I think.

In Cmake, there was a special keyword when specifying the to-be-compiled 
executable, so in there must have been something similar, but I 
forgot where.

> > > My workaround for similar debugging steps is to use g_warning("Some
> > > number %d", some_number) instead of printf(), i.e. the function
> > > arguments of g_warning are the same as the ones of printf. Once the
> > > logging filename was set up correctly, your g_warning statements will
> > > at least show up there.
> > 
> > How do I set up the logging filename correctly?
> You can use the --logto command line option to gnucash. For example if you
> run gnucash-launcher.cmd --logto c:\logfile
> your debug messages will be stored in a file called
> c:\logfile.ABCDEF.log
> with ABCDEF some random digits.
> If you don't pass the --logto option, the logfile will default to
> %TEMP%\gnucash.trace.ABCDEF.log
> %TEMP% is usually c:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Data\Temp
> (WinXP) or c:\Users\<username>\Local Data\Temp

And also the g_warning() output will work correctly only after in main(), the 
function gnc_log_init() was called (line 849). It won't work before that, but 
it will after that.



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