GSoC Clarification: Applications/proposals welcome, but no acceptance decision before April 25!

Christian Stimming stimming at
Wed Mar 23 17:28:17 EDT 2011

Dear potential GSoC applicants,

we are very happy to hear about the incoming GSoC ideas and interested 
students. Please continue to discuss the various ideas and check which of the 
thoughts are helpful and which ones are not fully helpful.

However, I would like to remind everyone that we're still very early in the 
*application* phase for the students. That means we definitely do not take any 
decisions on which students will be accepted or which ones won't be. On top of 
that, it is not us gnucash developers who decide which student gets accepted, 
but instead it will be the Google staff who decides on the basis of the 
student's application.

Hence, all we (=the gnucash developers) can do is to encourage you to write a 
good application at Google. We will happily answer your questions and guide 
you with your first steps into the gnucash project, so that you have a better 
understanding of the task and can hand in a very good application. But we will 
not and we can not give any of you a promise that you will be accepted into 
the program. This decision will be taken by Google staff.

The gnucash developers will be asked to rate your applications once they've 
been handed in (by April 8), but the actual decision is really done by Google 
(by April 23). Hence, please don't expect any of the gnucash developers to 
state a promise that *your* application might be accepted whereas others might 
be not. Instead, we can only explain to you how you should improve your 
application so that we think you have a high chance of being accepted by 
Google. But the decision will not be taken by us in any case. Please don't 
expect us to give any promises into that direction, because we can't give them 

Enough of that. Now let the ideas flow, and continue to discuss all the great 
project plans!



(PS: I'm very busy by daytime work this week, but I'll reply in detail to the 
various applicant questions on Saturday and Sunday.)

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