
Łukasz Spas lukasz.spas at
Tue Mar 29 17:37:46 EDT 2011


My name is Lucas Spas. I come from Poland. At the beginning I would like to
say what I would like to do for GNUCash.
At the first place, I want to build an alternative GUI for GNUCash. I have a
lots of ideas how to improve it because for many weeks I had been looking
before through many of softwares for controlling private finances before I
have chosen the best one. There are many thinks which should be configurable
by the user and many thinks added to represents information about our
finances (like few types of charts, configurable main panel of application
which allow to choose between panel with tabs or internal frame view, etc.).
It's because everyone is different and demand different functionality from
such applications. I have seen that few of those things are mentioned at the
CuteCash wiki site - it made me glad and forced me to discuss.

Furthermore, I would be happy if there will be a possibility to export data
from GNUCash to *.xls or *.ods.

OK, but why I think I can work on this project ?
Because I use this and some other similar software everyday and I really
know how to improve it's GUI to be more comfortable for the user.
Furthermore I have lots of experience in C++ and Qt4 so I think I could do
it without problems.

Is there any possibility in this project to put my own ideas?

Best wishes,
Lucas Spas

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