Restyled GnuCash website is online

Kevin Buckley kevin.m.buckley at
Wed Sep 28 00:36:19 EDT 2011

> For example,
> "GnuCash is a powerful accounting software. This page will try to
> explain in detail which are the numerous features that GnuCash has to
> offer to it's users."
> could be improved by
> "GnuCash is powerful accounting software. This page will try to
> explain in detail the numerous features that GnuCash has to offer to
> its users."

Maybe that first sentence could just be

"GnuCash is an accounting software package"

and leave it to the reader's apprecitation of the features listed to dicide how
powerful they think it is, or isn't.

Nice clean feel to it though.

Minor gripe (though, I'm aware, a very personal one) would be the wasted screen
real estate in the columns below the left hand navigation area and in the right
column below the social networking buttons.

Does the backend allow for the style to be flipped and be viewed one column ?

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