"Delete post" request

Christian Stimming christian at cstimming.de
Fri Jan 20 07:00:19 EST 2012

Zitat von Yawar Amin <yawar.amin at gmail.com>:
>> I think by tonight I'm going to add a nice, big disclaimer at the top of
>> the Mailing Lists page (http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Mailing_Lists) saying
>> that we can't delete (...)

Dear Yawar,

with all respect: Please refrain from adding any remarks of that kind  
to our explanation pages regarding the mailing lists. We are inviting  
anyone to join the discussions here, and we do indeed maintain a  
polite and helpful style of writing. This policy, even though  
unwritten, is much much more important that those very few events of  
singular people asking about old messages - such an event occurs at  
most every few years. Hence, I would like to remove those extra remark  
from the wiki page again, and leave the "official" explanation pages  
in the state as before.

Also, everyone: There are cases where it is very well suitable and/or  
required even by law to do some modifications in the public part of  
the mailing list archives. This may be true regardless of those many  
copies of other archives in the world: We are still responsible to  
some extend for the content that we publish on our gnucash.org  
website, and the list archive is just some more of the content. Hence,  
it is not appropriate to outright refuse any such sort of request, if  
the request mentions any convincing arguments. In this particular  
case, I could not see any arguments that would require us to take some  
action. But in other cases the situation might very well be different.  
Thanks everyone!

Best Regards,


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