only amount

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 7 08:28:36 EST 2012


Please remember to CC gnucash-devel on all replies so that everyone on
the list can help.  I'm not the only person; I was just the first to

Having said that, you are only getting one error, and the error is that
you are passing a gnc-numeric into a function that only takes a
gnc-monetary.  Your issue is the line:

  (fmtmoneyNoCurrency rval)

But rval is of the wrong type, hense the error:

     77* [fmtmoneyNoCurrency #<num: 1800000 denom: 100>]
 32: 78  [xaccPrintAmount ...
 33: 79* [gnc:gnc-monetary-amount #< num: 1800000 denom: 100>]
  ?: 80  (if (eq? # #) (struct-ref obj 1) (%record-type-error # obj)) ...
  ?: 81  [scm-error wrong-type-arg "%record-type-check" ...] 

You cannot use your new API for both types.  You will have a similar
problem later, where you try to format the output of gnc-numeric-add


PS: I would have responded inline and cut most of this message had you
already sent it to the list.. Please rmemeber to send future messages to
the list.  Thanks.

ST <smntov at> writes:

> thank you Derek!
> I tried this, but I still get errors. Here is a portion of slightly
> modified version of taxinvoice.eguile.scm (here I try to print only
> amounts without currency):
> [see errors below]
>   <tbody> <!-- display invoice entry lines, keeping running totals -->
>     <?scm 
>       (let ((tax-total (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
>             (sub-total (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
>             (dsc-total (gnc:make-commodity-collector))
>             (inv-total (gnc:make-commodity-collector)))
>         (for entry in entries do
>             (let ((qty       (gncEntryGetQuantity entry))
>                   (each      (gncEntryGetInvPrice entry)) 
>                   (action    (gncEntryGetAction entry)) 
>                   (rval      (gncEntryReturnValue entry #t)) 
>                   (rdiscval  (gncEntryReturnDiscountValue entry #t)) 
>                   (rtaxval   (gncEntryReturnTaxValue entry #t)) 
>                   (disc      (gncEntryGetInvDiscount entry))
>                   (disctype  (gncEntryGetInvDiscountType entry))
>                   (acc       (gncEntryGetInvAccount entry))
>                   (taxable   (gncEntryGetInvTaxable entry))
>                   (taxtable  (gncEntryGetInvTaxTable entry)))
>               (inv-total 'add currency rval)
>               (inv-total 'add currency rtaxval)
>               (tax-total 'add currency rtaxval)
>               (sub-total 'add currency rval)
>               (dsc-total 'add currency rdiscval)
>     ?>
>     <tr valign="top">
>       <td align="center"><?scm:d (gnc-print-date (gncEntryGetDate
> entry)) ?></td>
>       <td align="right"><?scm:d (gncEntryGetDescription entry) ?></td>
>       <!-- td align="right">< ?scm:d (gncEntryGetNotes entry) ?></td -->
>       <?scm (if units? (begin ?>
>         <td align="right"><?scm:d action ?></td>
>       <?scm )) ?>
>       <?scm (if (or units? qty?) (begin ?>
>         <td align="left"><?scm:d (fmtnumeric qty) ?></td>
>       <?scm )) ?>
>       <?scm (if (or units? qty? discount?) (begin ?>
>         <td align="left"><?scm:d (fmtmoneyNoCurrency each) ?></td>
>       <?scm )) ?>
>       <?scm (if discount? (begin ?>
>         <?scm (if (equal? disctype GNC-AMT-TYPE-VALUE) (begin ?>
>           <td align="left"><?scm:d (gnc:monetary->string
> (gnc:make-gnc-monetary currency disc)) ?></td>
>         <?scm ) (begin ?>
>           <td align="left"><?scm:d (fmtnumeric disc) ?>%</td>
>         <?scm )) ?>
>         <td align="left"><?scm:d (fmtmoneyNoCurrency rdiscval) ?></td>
>       <?scm )) ?>
>       <?scm (if (and tax? taxtables?) (begin ?>
>         <td align="left"><?scm:d (fmtmoneyNoCurrency rval) ?></td>
>         <td align="left"><?scm (taxrate taxable taxtable
> currency) ?></td>  
>         <td align="left"><?scm:d (fmtmoneyNoCurrency rtaxval) ?></td>
>       <?scm )) ?>
>       <!-- TO DO: need an option about whether to display the
> tax-inclusive total? -->
>       <td align="left"><?scm:d (fmtmoneyNoCurrency (gnc-numeric-add rval
> rtaxval GNC-DENOM-AUTO GNC-RND-ROUND)) ?></td>
>     </tr>
>     <?scm )) ?>
>     <!-- display subtotals row -->
>     <?scm (if (or tax? discount? payments?) (begin ?>
>       <tr valign="top"> 
>         <td align="right" class="subtotal" colspan="<?scm:d
> spancols2 ?>"><strong><?scm:d opt-subtotal-heading ?></strong></td>
>         <?scm (if discount? (begin ?>
>           <td align="left" class="subtotal"><strong><?scm
> (display-comm-coll-total dsc-total #f) ?></strong></td>
>         <?scm )) ?>
>         <?scm (if (and tax? taxtables?) (begin ?>
>           <td align="left" class="subtotal"><strong><?scm
> (display-comm-coll-total sub-total #f) ?></strong></td>
>           <td> </td>
>           <td align="left" class="subtotal"><strong><?scm
> (display-comm-coll-total tax-total #f) ?></strong></td>
>         <?scm )) ?>
>         <td align="left" class="subtotal"><strong><?scm
> (display-comm-coll-total inv-total #f) ?></strong></td>
>       </tr>
>     <?scm )) ?>
>     <!-- payments -->
>     <?scm 
>       (if payments? 
>         (for split in splits do
>             (let ((t (xaccSplitGetParent split)))
>               (if (not (equal? t txn)) ; don't process the entry itself
> as a split
>                 (let ((c (xaccTransGetCurrency t))
>                       (a (xaccSplitGetValue    split))) 
>                   (inv-total 'add c a) 
>     ?>
>     <tr valign="top">
>       <td align="center"><?scm:d (gnc-print-date
> (gnc-transaction-get-date-posted t)) ?></td>
>       <td align="right" colspan="<?scm:d (- spancols1 1) ?>"><?scm:d
> opt-payment-recd-heading ?></td> 
>       <td align="left"><?scm:d (fmtmoneyNoCurrency a) ?></td>
>     </tr>
>     <?scm ))))) ?>
>     <!-- total row -->
>     <tr valign="top">
>       <td align="right" class="total" colspan="<?scm:d
> spancols1 ?>"><strong><?scm:d opt-amount-due-heading ?></strong></td>
>       <td align="left" class="total"><strong><?scm
> (display-comm-coll-total inv-total #f) ?></strong></td>
>     </tr>
>   </tbody>
> but I get following 2 errors:
> n error occurred when processing the template:
> ERROR: In procedure %record-type-check:
> ERROR: Wrong type record (want `"<gnc-monetary>"'): #<<gnc-numeric> num:
> 1800000 denom: 100>
> In current input:
>    4: 63* (let* ((x 42)) (letrec (# #) (if # # ...) ...))
>    ?: 64  (letrec (# #) (if # # #) (display "
> "))
>  411: 65* (if (null? opt-invoice) (begin (display #) (display #)) ...)
>  415: 66  (let* ((owner #) (endowner #) (ownertype #)) (if (not #)
> (begin # #) ...))
>     ...
>   38: 67  (let* (# # # # ...) (if # #) (for-each # entries) ...)
>  296: 68* (let (# # # ...) (for-each # entries) ...)
>  300: 69* (for entry in ...)
>  300: 70  [for-each # (#)]
>    ?: 71* [# #]
>    ?: 72* (let (# # # # ...) (begin # # # ...))
>    ?: 73  (begin (inv-total # currency ...) (inv-total #
> currency ...) ...)
>    ?: 74* (if (and tax? taxtables?) (begin # # # ...))
>    ?: 75  (begin (display "
> and the second error:
> ") (display #) ...) ?: 76* [display ... ?: 77* [fmtmoneyNoCurrency #<
> num: 1800000 denom: 100>] 32: 78 [xaccPrintAmount ... 33: 79*
> [gnc:gnc-monetary-amount #< num: 1800000 denom: 100>] ?: 80 (if (eq? #
> #) (struct-ref obj 1) (%record-type-error # obj)) ... ?: 81 [scm-error
> wrong-type-arg "%record-type-check" ...] 
> On Tue, 2012-03-06 at 11:41 -0500, Derek Atkins wrote:
>> Hi,
>> ST <smntov at> writes:
>> > when I removed "-public" from define it started to work...
>> >
>> > I tried:
>> >
>> > (define (fmtmoneyNoCurrency curr amt)
>> >   ;; Format a monetary amount in the given currency as HTML
>> >   (nbsp (gnc:monetary->string (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount amt))))
>> >
>> > but it also produced errors...
>> >
>> > So the questions is - how do I rewrite this function so that it prints
>> > only amount without currency?
>> The gnc:monetary->string API expects a <gnc:monetary>.  What you want is
>> a modification of that API that passes #f instead of #t into
>> gnc-commodity-print-info.  So something like: 
>> (define (fmtmoneyNoCurrency value)
>>   (xaccPrintAmount
>>    (gnc:gnc-monetary-amount value) 
>>    (gnc-commodity-print-info (gnc:gnc-monetary-commodity value) #f)))
>> Then you can use this instead of gnc:monetary->string
>> > ST
>> -derek

       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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