Time for 2.5.1

David Carlson carlson.dl at sbcglobal.net
Thu May 9 13:12:16 EDT 2013

On 5/9/2013 8:53 AM, Robert Fewell wrote:
> David,
> Not sure about the schedule problem you have, I have tried it on my XP VM
> and I am unable to reproduce but will try different options.
> The opening of an account in the sub-account view should be read only and I
> have fixed this locally and will upload the patch along with some other
> changes at the weekend.
> Once in the schedule Transaction editor, the default options are to open
> with the old register, you need to have the required schedule highlighted
> and then use the 'scheduled' menu option at the top which then has 'new 2'
> and 'edit 2' for the new view.
> In Basic view, is just like the existing, click on the split button on the
> tool bar which expand the transaction.
> Regards,
>        Robert
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The scheduler is not the only place that the local time vs universal
time issue has appeared recently, but I don't want report the other
cases unless I can reproduce them.  I happened to find it because it was
the critical time of day when I tried the SX features.  I think that it
may also be in certain reports.  In any case, I understand that it must
either be tested in certain time windows or by using an environment
where the clock and local time zone can be easily manipulated.

I am sure that most of the register window conflicts between old and new
will automatically disappear when old ceases to exist, so I don't expect
very many of them to actually be fixed in this testing period.  I am
trying to help make this testing period short.

Regarding use of the SX editor, I did not see the items that you are
describing when I was using 2.5.1, highlighting a register transaction
in the register2 view and using the right-click drop-down list
schedule.. link to open the SX that the register transaction had been
created from.  Where is the required schedule that I need to highlight? 
Where is it if I am in the list of scheduled transactions?

You can tell that I do not use 'Basic View'.  For some reason I did not
see the 'Split' icon on the menu-bar when I had release 2.5.1 loaded.  I
will check next time.  That is how I got my flat forehead.

There was some issue with reports that use charts not working in release
2.5.1.  When I get a better handle on that I will probably be filing
another bug report.

David C
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