"private-kvp" merge reverted other changes since November.

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at telenet.be
Wed May 7 17:08:34 EDT 2014

On Wednesday 07 May 2014 16:22:27 Mike Alexander wrote:
> --On May 7, 2014 6:41:03 PM +0200 Geert Janssens
> <janssens-geert at telenet.be> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 06 May 2014 18:16:51 Mike Alexander wrote:
> >> Just to pick another random example, the merge also removed a call
> >> to
> >> qof_instance_set_dirty in gnc_template_register_save_xfrm_cell
> >> which
> >> is in register/ledger-core/split-register-model-save.c.  This call
> >> was added in 613ba0d on December 7.  This is only one of a number
> >> of
> >> changes I noticed.
> > 
> > I think that is actually correct. From how I understand John's work
> > qof_instance_set takes care of properly dirtying the kvp. If I'm
> > mistaken here then there are many places in the new code that no
> > longer  mark kvp's as dirty.
> Perhaps it is a desired change, but then it should have been on the
> private-kvp branch.  Instead it was introduced as a side effect of the
> merge back to master.  Even if the call to qof_instance_set_dirty is
> not needed after the private-kvp changes, it won't hurt anything.  If
> it is to be removed it should be removed explicitly, not as a side
> effect of the merge.
It was actually hurting: it caused the build to fail. With the function still in there I got an 
undefined function error. Perhaps this could have been resolved by adding the proper 
header include but I didn't check that part.

Only John can tell why he did remove it during the merge and not beforehand.

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