Reinventing the wheel

Hajo Hindriks hhn10 at
Mon Aug 10 12:01:40 EDT 2015

On 10.08.2015 17:19, John Ralls wrote:
>> On Aug 10, 2015, at 3:07 PM, Hajo Hindriks <hhn10 at> wrote:
>> I don't know much about the inner workings of gc but I think it doesn't make sense to keep several quotes per day, I don't think there is a use case to keep intraday quotes.
>> I recently started with Gnucash and am writing a small perl script to fetch quotes, and I am keeping only one quote per day, updating the previous one from the same day. Later on I plan to add those quotes to the gnucash data file. Currently I just read the commodities of a gnucash file and keep the quotes in a separate file.
> As the new subject indicates, don’t do that. Use Finance::Quote, which is in CPAN. If you have a source that F::Q doesn’t support write an import module for your source. That way the GnuCash integration is already taken care of.
> Regards,
> John Ralls
Hi John

well, yes I am ;-) Thanks to your help I was able to get F::Q working. 
Some funds that I need where not supported so I wrote a new F::Q module. 
That module will be made available for inclusion in F::Q, but it needs 
some more cleanup and I want to test it a little longer.

The script I wrote about is using F::Q, of course. The problem I have is 
I need to schedule the qupdate quotes job on my little gentoo server. 
There is no X on it and this it won't install gnucash. Here comes the 
script. It reads the commodities from my data file and writes the quotes 
to a separate sqlite database. The next step will be to check for the 
lock and if not present write the quotes to the gnucash file.

I know that there's an option in gnucash to update quotes, but as I 
can't install gnucash and to get some more experience with perl I 
started to write my script. Hopefully I will be able to contribute a 
little back to gnucash - getting gnucash to build without all the X 
libraries to update the quotes is well beyond my capabilities and time.

thanks, Hajo

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