Fwd: xmllint error

David T. sunfish62 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 28 02:52:59 EST 2015

I apparently solved this. Sorry for the noise.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: "David T." <sunfish62 at yahoo.com>
> Subject: xmllint error
> Date: January 27, 2015 at 10:48:46 PM PST
> To: GNUCASH devel <gnucash-devel at gnucash.org>
> Hi,
> I have begun the task of using Approved Methods to update the Guide document, and I have run into an error that I do not understand. The error is:
> gnucash-guide.xml:473: element book: validity error : Element book content does not follow the DTD, expecting ((title , subtitle? , titleabbrev?)? , bookinfo? , (dedication | toc | lot | glossary | bibliography | preface | chapter | reference | part | article | appendix | index | setindex | colophon)*), got (bookinfo CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA CDATA )
> </book>
> The reason I find this odd is that I have not edited the main xml file at all. I edited chapter 1, which doesn’t create any errors (i.e, this is the extent of the output I receive). 
> I cloned the docs earlier today using the prescribed "git clone https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-docs gnucash-docs”, and received this error from executing "xmllint --valid --noout gnucash-guide.xml"
> Can anyone explain to me why this error is cropping up, and what I need to do to make it go away?
> Thanks,
> David

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