I need some guidance

Yawar Amin yawar.amin at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 09:01:26 EST 2015

Hi David, just a quick note that the project I pointed you to is not meant to be installed, I simply wanted you to look at the source code and 'crib' off it when writing your own.

Good luck.



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On 2015-03-04, at 8:09, David <chrstdvd at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yawar, I guess it was pretty dumb of me to think I would be able to just jump
> into a new OS environment and start changing things.  I tried following the
> instructions on the link you provided.  Ha! I could not find the folder
> .gnucash anywhere on my computer.  I even created one in the Terminal and
> still could not find it.
> So off to hunting for answers ik went.  I stumbled on a series of Viedos
> about Linux. I am slowly working my way through them learning basics of the
> OS.  Today, I finally learned about the ls -a -l command and found out that
> the .filename was to hide files/folders.  
> Also, the man giving the lessons on YouTube, says that you have to type sudo
> for almost any command and I am finding that this is basically true. 
> So, I will not being installing the file you provided until I have a basic
> understanding of Linux.  What I should have done in the first place.  
> A few more days and I should be ready to follow your directions and get the
> file installed in gnucash.
> --
> View this message in context: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/I-need-some-guidance-tp4676439p4676645.html
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