[RFC] GTK+ 3 Migration - Alpha-grade Patchset
Tobias Markus
tobias at miglix.eu
Sat Feb 27 08:35:05 EST 2016
On Mi, 2016-02-24 at 22:26 +0100, Christian Stimming wrote:
> Am Montag, 22. Februar 2016, 23:42:24 schrieb Geert Janssens:
> >
> > >
> > > The reason why I suggested Vala instead of C++/gtkmm is that Vala
> > > is a
> > > 1:1 match to the GObject system, and while gtkmm code is
> > > certainly
> > > easier to write that pure GTK+/C code, they aren't really a
> > > perfect
> > > match.
> > That does make sense indeed. On the other hand the current
> > objective is the
> > slowly migrate away from the GObject system, replacing it with true
> > C++ OO.
> >
> > One important reason for that is portability to mobile platforms
> > (think IOS,
> > Android). Some time back it looked like glib/GObject was a major
> > roadblock
> > in that direction. I don't know whether it still is, but at the
> > time that
> > was one major driving factor to switch to C++. The future GUI
> > toolkit will
> > also be evaluated in that context.
> I agree that porting from GObject to C++ is a step forward. However,
> by now I
> have my doubts whether that effort is actually well invested anymore.
> Geert,
> are you sure we said C++ would help in "portability to mobile
> platforms"? For
> an android app, it is useless to have "the engine" in C - one needs
> it in Java
> anyway, and that's why Ngewi wrote a re-implementation of our data
> structures
> in Java for his gnucash-on-android app. I don't think a plain C++(11)
> plus
> some boost dependencies would actually help anything when moving the
> app to a
> mobile OS. Instead, C++ just tries to make the further development of
> the
> desktop application somewhat more realistic. But there is just such a
> large
> amount of code...
> Regards,
> Christian
I would say it looks like a lot to port right now, but there is a lot
of code - the old register in particular - that could be removed moving
forward, somewhat easing moving to C++.
Best regards,
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