GnuCash backup

John Ralls jralls at
Fri May 27 22:37:39 EDT 2016

> On May 27, 2016, at 5:44 PM, Chris Good <chris.good at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've created a gui (JavaFX/OpenJFX) Java app for backing up GnuCash data to
> an encrypted 7-zip file in a 3rd party cloud storage directory
> (Dropbox/Google Drive/OneDrive).
> This works for Linux or Windows (I don't have a Mac).
> There is a one-time setup where you define your GnuCash data file and the
> local directory for the 3rd party cloud storage.
> After finishing a GnuCash session, you just start the backup app (I've
> called it BackupGnuCash), optionally select different directories, enter the
> password for encryption and click the Backup button and the app encrypts the
> GnuCash data, saved reports and preferences files to a date/time stampded
> filename in the local 3rd party cloud storage directory.
> I'd like to make this available for others to use (GPL v3 ?).
> I'd appreciate any comments about if you think this is useful and how I
> could make this available for others.
> I'd like to make available:
> 1.        the .jar file for non-technical users who are not capable of
> building the app themselves and are prepared to trust me.
> 2.       both the Windows and Linux netbeans projects so technical users can
> check my source to ensure I'm not doing anything insecure, and build the
> .jar file themselves, or modify it if they wish.
> I don't have my own web server. I was thinking github or FSF?

The GNU project has a somewhat complex procedure [1] for introducing a project to GNU, so you'll find Github easier provided you've used git as your version control system while developing your program. Another option is SourceForge; if you just want to distribute archives without also exporting your source code repository SF will be more accommodating for you than Github. There are a few other hosting sites out there, so if neither SF nor Github feel like a good fit search around a bit.

Do note that if you are going to license your program under the GPL--or any other Free license--you must distribute sources in a usable form.

John Ralls


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