Gnucash and css (was: Gtk3)

John Ralls jralls at
Tue Aug 1 04:45:48 EDT 2017

> On Jul 31, 2017, at 11:02 PM, Geert Janssens <geert.gnucash at> wrote:
> Bob,
> As hinted in my previous message in the Gtk3 thread, I'd like to zoom in a bit 
> on using Css for gnucash.
> Let me start with a basic context for this discussion:
> * css in gtk (and hence gnucash) is used to define the visual representation 
> of the graphical user interface (defined through a set of "widgets").
> * for the best user experience the GUI should be consistent in style.
> * for standard widgets, gtk defines a default style (the Adwaita theme). 
> However users are free to configure a different style (or theme) for their 
> environment. Optionally each property in a theme can be overridden at a user 
> level by a user-defined css file.
> So for standard widgets, gnucash usually doesn't have to do anything. This is 
> different for our custom widgets, such as the register and the SX overview 
> calendar (both based on a GtkLayout and doing custom drawing via cairo), or 
> widgets that define their own functional colors (like the transaction matcher 
> in the generic import code).
> These widgets don't have a style by default, and hence we need to define it. 
> At the same time though, themes should be able to override whatever default 
> style we choose. This suggests our own styling should generally have a 
> FALLBACK priority rather than APPLICATION priority.
> For any style property that is defined in the theme set by the user, this will 
> then be used. If we define gnucash-only properties, these will most likely not 
> appear in any theme and hence the values from our fallback will be used 
> instead.
> The tricky part here is to define a fallback that goes well with whatever 
> theme the user has set for his environment. Take for example the colors used 
> in the SX overview calendar (white background/black text). These may not work 
> well with all themes so we should avoid to hard-code properties as much as 
> possible. I would instead propose to leverage the style classes as defined in 
> GtkStyleContext as much as possible [1]. Again for the SX overview calendar, 
> add a style class GTK_STYLE_CLASS_CALENDAR and then use whatever styling 
> information that gets set because of this [2]. Perhaps it requires more than 
> one style class to be added to get this to work completely. You can look for 
> examples in the Gtk source, like the use of the RUBBERBAND class in 
> gtktreeview.c [3]. I believe/hope when done carefully this can result in a 
> much more consistent GUI for gnucash and may reduce the amount of css we have 
> to maintain ourselves.
> Then, specifically for the register we have an option that allows the user to 
> switch between the system level theme or our yellow/green theme. Building on 
> the above, the system level theme should be composed using the right style 
> classes. The yellow/green theme on the other hand is the first example I have 
> found that warrants a separate css definition. And this time with APPLICATION 
> priority because it's supposed to override theme specific styles. I would 
> define a new style class (something like "gnc-custom-colors"). And in css 
> write a section like this:
> .gnc-custom-colors
> {
>    color a: xyz;
>    color b: abc;
>    ...
> }
> What the exact properties should be will depend on the properties we combine 
> from the built-in style classes. If the built-in style classes for example 
> provide a property "separator-color", we should set this property also in the 
> .gnc-custom-colors class.
> With this css in place, switching from default theme colors to our gnucash 
> yellow/green theme is a matter of adding/removing the gnc-custom-colors style 
> class from all register related widgets.
> This same technique could be used for the label colors (negative numbers in 
> red). Only define an additional class ("negative-numbers-in-red" would do 
> fine) in which you explicitly set the red color to use and then add or remove 
> this class from all widgets that need to be able to display negative numbers 
> in red based on the user preference.
> The last thing I'd like to bring up is the choice of property names. I read in 
> your initial conversion to css you have chosen names very close to the 
> internally used variable names. While this is not wrong, I would prefer to use 
> names that better describe the property's function.
> Let me explain with an example: the rows in the import matcher can have 3 
> colors (currently red, yellow or green). These colors support the state of 
> each line (unmatched, partially/potentially matched, matched? This may not be 
> the exact state meanings).
> The name of the class you have chosen describes which property gets changed to 
> what. That's 1) redundant, 2) little informative and 3) restrictive. The 
> property itself already holds the information (hence redundant), it doesn't 
> tell the user why this property is changed (little informative) and will make 
> the user hesitate to change it to anything else than a red background 
> (restrictive). What if a theme designer decided a better approach to making 
> this distinction would be to use a different font ? So rather than making 
> class names describing which property is changed to what ("background color 
> should be red") the class names should describe its function. In this 
> particular case the class names could have become: "no-match", "partial-
> match", "full-match". Feel free to use even better names if my interpretation 
> of their function is incorrect.
> Those are my thoughts so far on css.
> What do you think of this ?

+1 on all points.

John Ralls

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