Building with CMake

DaveC49 davidcousens at
Sun Jun 4 01:34:14 EDT 2017

 Hi further progress
I ran cmake with the --trace option ( *cmake --trace -D
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/gnucash-devel ../gnucash*). It appears that cmake
is executing the call to add the libqof directory
.../gnucash/src/CMakeLists.txt  line 141 and the qof/test subdirectory
.../gnucash/src/libqof/CMakeLists.txt(3) without ever having called the
INCLUDE (GncAddTest) at line 48 of .../gnucash/CMakeLists.txt. 
In the resultant trace output cmake in fact never seems to enter
.../gnucash/CMakeLists.txt as the trace starts with 
.../gnucash/src/CMakeLists.txt(0):  PROJECT(Project )  and does not appear
to be executing .../gnucash/CMakeLists.txt at all or if it is is executing
it silently.

I have deleted the cach files .../gnucash/CMakeFiles and rerun the above
command but still get the same error and trace output

If I execute *cmake --trace -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/gnucash-devel
I obtain 
*cmake: /usr/local/lib/ no version information available
(required by cmake)
Running with trace output on.
CMake Error: The source ".../gnucash/CMakeLists.txt" does not match the
source ".../gnucash/src/CMakeLists.txt" used to generate cache.  Re-run
cmake with a different source directory.*
 I confess to being totally confused as to why cmake is not executing

The trace output can be accessed using this link to a folder in my dropbox

Thanks for any help anyone can offer

David Cousens

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