[GNC-dev] Other grouping than account template; was: New balsheet (and P&L report), API considerations, and (slow?) KVP in Account.cpp

Frank H. Ellenberger frank.h.ellenberger at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 23:44:59 EDT 2018

Am 08.08.2018 um 00:22 schrieb Adrien Monteleone:
>> On Aug 7, 2018, at 5:0a0 PM, Frank H. Ellenberger <frank.h.ellenberger at gmail.com> wrote:
>> No, the grouping should be part of the account template - at least in
>> the current state. At some point in the future one could think about
>> additional account attributes to improve reporting...
> I think this is only a limitation of the current report. If it’s being re-written anyway, I’d suggest:
> Default sections for the report, each section having it’s own account selection option(s). (not one all-encompassing set of accounts for the entire report)
> In the long term, default sections could be labeled based on a preference setting for the book/entity. But short term, There could be multiple balance sheet ‘reports’ each with the appropriate sections for entity types and/or jurisdictions. Or, simply have a set number of sections and you get to name each one whatever you want and select its own accounts to include.
> This way the user can specify which accounts are ‘current vs. fixed’ or ’short term vs. long’, which accounts constitute ‘cash’ and so on. (or whatever the sections may be)
> Of course, it’s just a suggestion. I can’t say how much extra work that would be, but that approach might cover many use cases.

There is currently one report with its own grouping: TXF

So at least in theory, you could start by generalizing its editor so it
could create structures for other reports, too.

But most of us have currently other priorities.

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