Naming Policy; was: gnucash 2.6.19 dutch translation [and all others]

Frank H. Ellenberger frank.h.ellenberger at
Fri Jan 19 12:08:37 EST 2018

Am 19.01.2018 um 16:00 schrieb Geert Janssens:
> As we're changing option strings I decided to verify this as well simply 
> because we have to be extra careful in this area: option *names* can't be 
> marked  for translation with '(_...)' except when actually printed on screen. 
> That's probably why the '(N_...)' meaning "mark as translatable, but don't 
> translate here". Luckily the strings that are the subject of this thread are 
> not option *names* but option *default values*.

>From my GUI review there is often a third: *Label*, usualy the
translatable name containing an underscore marking the mnemonic in
dialogs and menus.

Perhaps we should define and start to apply a naming convention for
this, eg.:

Id: untranslatable Key

Name: may have the same content in english, but is translatable, can be
used as parameter "This %s ..."

Label(s): gets as default a copy of Name, but should be adjusted to have
a mnemonic. In rare cases there migth be colissions of mnenoics in the
context of one or the other dialog.


Other Content?

Your thoughts?

> Geert


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