Build issues and some free testing

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Tue Jan 23 16:53:07 EST 2018

On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 8:56 PM, Robert Merkel <robert.merkel at>

> So, for the first time for quite a while, I have tried to download and
> build gnucash from the git repository using cmake.  I've found the
> following build issues:
> * The build process requires xsltproc and makeinfo, which are not mentioned
> in the dependency list and cmake doesn't seem to check for them.
> * The build failed on my Ubuntu machine with the stock version of
> libwebkit2-gtk available on that distribution (2.4.11).  It appears that
> Gnucash requires version
> 2.6 of this library, as "WebKitNavigationAction" was apparently added in
> version 2.6.  Again, the minimum version isn't listed and cmake doesn't
> have a check for it.
Hi -- I have been tinkering with the Ubuntu builds lately myself, but
mainly because GetDeb has gotten behind, and I'm trying to teach myself
enough packaging to figure out if I can help. Unfortunately "backporting"
even the stable GnuCash packages to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS "Xenial" in recent
months has become trickier as it drifts farther from the current release of

You didn't mention which version of Ubuntu you are building for, nor which
release of GnuCash you're building. I presume you're probably building the
unstable release of GnuCash.

As an Ubuntu user you might find it interesting looking at the Debian
Tracker for Gnucash so you can see what the Debian maintainer for the
GnuCash package is up to. The tracker also shows the latest version that
has been automatically included in the development release of Ubuntu, and
links to the launchpad pages.

Be sure to hover over all the symbols and follow some of the links to get
more of the useful information that dense tracker page points to.

As you can see Micha Lenk is keeping close track of the 2.7 / 3.0 release
(because otherwise GnuCash was to get dropped from Debian due to the legacy
dependence upon the old webkit) but the package is only barely in
Experimental. If you notice his .dsc file for GnuCash 2.7.3 has these
dependencies (which of course are Debian package names, some of which may
differ from your version of Ubuntu):

Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10), intltool, pkg-config, dh-python, cmake,
> googletest, guile-2.0-dev, imagemagick, libaqbanking-dev, libboost-dev,
> libboost-date-time-dev, libboost-filesystem-dev, libboost-locale-dev,
> libboost-regex-dev, libdbi-dev, libdbd-sqlite3, libglib2.0-dev,
> libsecret-1-dev, libgoffice-0.10-dev, libgtk-3-dev, libgwengui-gtk2-dev,
> libofx-dev, libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev, libxml2-dev, libxslt1-dev, python,
> python-dev, texinfo, xsltproc, zlib1g-dev, locales-all
> Build-Conflicts: guile-1.8

As we get closer to release maybe you can add your collected hints or tips
on the relevant page(s) on the GnuCash wiki. I presume the Building page
might need new sections to cover GnuCash unstable /2.7.x/ 3.0 and the
upcoming Ubuntu 18.04 LTS "Bionic" release as it passes its freeze dates.

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