Building unstable on Mac
John Ralls
jralls at
Mon Jan 29 23:02:28 EST 2018
To build unstable:
1. Retrieve the latest .jhbuildrc-custom from the gnucash-on-osx repository.
2. Edit ~/.jhbuildrc-custom to comment out the gnucash-stable prefix and modules and to uncomment the gnucash-unstable ones.
3. Run jhbuild bootstrap
4. Run jhbuild build
If you want a git checkout, uncomment the gnucash-git module instead of the gnucash-unstable module. That will build ‘master’, though be sure to look at <> and note the instructions for boost; jhbuild doesn’t know how to build that. After running `jhbuild build` you can
1. cd ~/gtk/source/gnucash-git
2. git clean -fdx
2. git checkout -b unstable -t origin/unstable
3. jhbuild shell
4. cd $PREFIX/..
5. mkdir build/gnucash-git && cd build/gnucash-git
6. cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PREFIX -DGTEST_ROOT=$JHBUILD_SOURCE/googletest/googletest -DGMOCK_ROOT=$JHBUILD_SOURCE/googletest/googlemock $JHBUILD_SOURCE/gnucash-git
7. make && make install
To run tests, run
make check
John Ralls
> On Jan 29, 2018, at 3:33 PM, R. Victor Klassen <rvklassen at> wrote:
> So, the wiki is less than clear on how to do this.
> First I tried going through the instructions under Building for Development beginning with
> jhbuild shell
> cd $PREFIX/../src/gnucash-2.6.17
> But it turned out that there was no path with the prefix $PREFIX/../src
> No src directory had yet been created under $PREFIX - this is a clean user account, with most of an attempt at building stable as the only thing in it.
> So I skipped the uninstall, and made a guess as to where I was supposed to go with the cd ..
> Then I ran
> git clone -b maint
> Nearly giving up after a dozen or so failures to get the whole thing in one gulp. Early morning seems best.
> When I tried the && configure, it became clear that many dependencies weren’t in place.
> Many of the early dependencies complained about were to be found in my gnucash-stable tree, and as they were external tools I just linked them to the corresponding location, which got me somewhat further, but not everything was found still.
> So I skipped to “Building Unstable Versions” and did the commenting and uncommenting recommended.
> I did a
> Jhbuild bootstrap
> And then jhbuild build.
> Which complained:
> jhbuild build: A module called ''meta-gnucash-unstable'' could not be found.
> At this point I tried
> $ jhbuild shell
> $ echo $PREFIX
> /Users/gnucashdev/gnucash-unstable
> $ cd $PREFIX/gnucash
> $ ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-ofx --enable-aqbanking --enable-binreloc --enable-dbi --with-dbi-dbd-dir=$PREFIX/lib/dbd
> This worked for awhile, but then I got a configure error:
> configure: error:
> You are building from git but swig was not found or too old.
> To build gnucash you need at least swig version 2.0.10.
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