[GNC-dev] Bugs.gnucash.org Up and Running
John Ralls
jralls at ceridwen.us
Fri Jun 29 18:10:38 EDT 2018
We've completed the migration of Bugzilla to https://bugs.gnucash.org and we're ready to resume normal bug ops there. The updates on bugzilla.gnome.org are still running (after 2 hours not quite halfway done), but that doesn't affect using https://bugs.gnucash.org.
There's one change since yesterday's announcement: We've shortened the pseudo-addresses for bugmail:
Group Elements
core at gnucash.bugs Backend-SQL, Backend-XML, Budgets, Build System,
Business, Currency and Commodity, Engine, Python
Bindings, Scheduled Transactions
documentation at gnucash.bugs Documentation, Translations, Website
general at gnucash.bugs General
import at gnome.bugs Import-AqBanking, Import-CSV, Import-OFX, Import-
Other, Import-QIF, Import-QSF, TXF Export
macos at gnucash.bugs MacOS
reports at gnucash.bugs Check Printing, Reports
ui at gnucash.bugs Register, Regist-2, User Interface General
windows at gnucash.bugs Windows
all-bugs at gnucash.bugs Everything
For now we've adopted the Gnome skin for familiarity, but we'd love to have someone who's artistically inclined to design us a GnuCash-specific one!
John Ralls
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