[GNC-dev] Long Term Documentation Directions

David Cousens davidcousens at bigpond.com
Tue Sep 11 11:13:10 EDT 2018

Hi Geert 

"I know you can define these links in docbook. However my remark earlier in 
this thread is how will they work in practice ? How can one document on the 
system know where the other is stored ? I presume this means we should have 
strict rules about the relative locations of documents. And those should be 
communicated properly to gnucash-documentation packagers for various 

The links between different docbook documents can be handled with XML
It looks like you define generic paths for links during the document build
and use those generic names as the URLs in the code you call to bring them
up in the program. The generic names are linked by  xsltprocto the actual
URLs in the catalog.xml  file which resides by default in /etc/xml/catalog
but can be redirected to something like /usr/share/gnucash/xml/catalog.xml
with an environment variable  XML_CATALOGUE_FILE during the document build.
xsltproc appears to construct the links between the files. Not sure how the
program handles that. I'll keep digging to see what i can come up with.

Not sure about what happens with the PDF etc  but I think xsltproc uses
specific  xsl files to process them the same as it does now. 



David Cousens

David Cousens
Sent from: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GnuCash-Dev-f1435356.html

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