[GNC-dev] Building 3.4 on Mint 18.3

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Sun Feb 24 16:49:00 EST 2019

Hi Jacob,

I don't think the missing gwengui-gtk3 package is related. We anticipated it 
would not be available on several distros by the time gnucash 3 would be 
released. So if that package is not found, gnucash  will be built with an 
internal copy of this package. So regardless of whether your distro ships it, 
gnucash will have access to a copy.
In addition, gwengui-gtk3 is only used for online banking stuff. It should 
have no influence whatsoever on the summary bar on that Account hierarchy tab.

I have not really much advice to give here as I'm not using Mint. If you wish 
to experiment a bit further, you may try to run gnucash from a different 
desktop and/or figure out whether Linux Mint/Mate is running on a Wayland 
compositor or an X11 one.



Op zondag 24 februari 2019 22:14:44 CET schreef Jacob Larsen:
> Hi Geert
> This is Mint on the Mate desktop. I found this from the configure log
> that seems related: "No package 'gwengui-gtk3' found"
> This package is not available in the Ubuntu 16.04 base, but was
> introduced in 18.04. If this package is critical to GnuCash then it
> seems the configure script has a bug here. I can see that I have the
> gtk2 version of the package installed, perhaps that causes the confusion?
> I'm not sure I will get closer to this. I have been putting off an
> upgrade for far too long and it is probably easier to do the upgrade and
> try again.
> /Jacob
> On 24/02/2019 00.39, Geert Janssens wrote:
> > The summary bar is using stock gtk widgets. So if there's a library
> > dependency issue it would be gtk or one of its dependencies.
> > 
> > Note gnucash switched from gtk2 to gtk3 between gnucash 2.6 and 3. This
> > has
> > lots of visual side effects because gtk3's default styling is quite
> > different from gtk2's.
> > 
> > This shows in lots of ways. Increased padding in various places (like in
> > the register as you mention) is one example.
> > 
> > I don't see the summary bar inflation on Fedora 29, though the summary bar
> > pop-up is not really consistent in where it pops up. It's usually way too
> > high.
> > 
> > What desktop environment are you using on Mint 18.3 ? And is it using
> > Wayland or X11 ? If it is Wayland, can you try an X11 session ?
> > 
> > Geert
> > 
> > Op zaterdag 23 februari 2019 23:41:12 CET schreef Jacob Larsen:
> >> Hi
> >> 
> >> Not sure if this is a dev or user question, but I suspect the people who
> >> can answer are devs.
> >> 
> >> I am trying to get 3.4 to run on Mint 18.3 (Ubuntu 16.04 base). I have
> >> gotten it to build, but the summary bar on the accounts tab is screwed
> >> up. If I click it, it looks somewhat fine, but if I close it, it is
> >> about three times as high as it should be, and there are no numbers on
> >> it. Also, all the fields seem to clutter together on the left side.
> >> 
> >> Not much of an issue, but it might be relevant. It seems like the font
> >> used for transactions in the ledger has slightly bigger spacing around
> >> the text compared to my previous version (2.6)
> >> 
> >> I'm guessing this is probably a dependency thing, but can somebody help
> >> narrow down which one? Which lib is used for this summary bar.
> >> 
> >> /Jacob
> >> 
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