[GNC-dev] Pie Chart
Stephen M. Butler
kg7je at arrl.net
Sun Jan 27 17:43:17 EST 2019
Confession. I don't look at pie, bar, graph, etc charts. So, I'd need
both versions installed and switch back and forth.
How do I get both versions available? Without uninstalling one and
installing the other every time I wanted to compare the results!
I might be the wrong guy for this job!
On 1/27/19 2:29 PM, Christopher Lam wrote:
> Erm.
> None of these...
> All feedback below relates to UI / styling.
> Mainly need beta-testing the new charting infrastructure, upgraded
> from jqplot to chartJS. Is there any noticeable change? Any bugs?
> Notice interactivity -- try clicking on chart, and compare behaviour
> with previous jqplot-based charts. Also notice linecharts changed from
> x/y to category/amount which will be neater.
> C
> On 28/1/19 6:22 am, Stephen M. Butler wrote:
>> Not sure which pie you wanted me to review. I picked the Asset one for
>> first blush look.
>> 1. The Account tab scroll bar color is the same as the background color
>> for the selected accounts. Makes it impossible to see the scroll bar
>> until moved to a non-selected set of accounts. (Two screen shots
>> attached). I haven't setup any color scheme so am using the defaults.
>> 2. For personal books, I have setup the "company name" as "The Butler
>> Family". It didn't show on the title. For the Balance Sheet report, I
>> have it setup as:
>> Balance Sheet
>> The Butler Family
>> 12/31/2019
>> 3. Not sure I like the default end-date to be the end of the accounting
>> period. Not sure which one I prefer though:
>> Today -- most times I select that.
>> End Prior Month -- I think most accountants would want that
>> most of the time.
>> 4. Which brings me to a topic not specific to any of these reports. I
>> know you can save a configuration. But, then you have to remember to go
>> to the saved select to pick what you had previously saved.
>> Enhancement Request: Make a way that the user can change the defaults
>> for a report and have those saved so they become the new defaults and
>> are picked up whenever the report is selected again.
>> I have been toying with doing the saved reports a different way.
>> A. Tie the saved configuration to the base report (maybe via the
>> reports GUID).
>> B. Allow multiple configurations for the report to be saved with each
>> having a configuration specific name/title/id or whatever. One of which
>> is "Default".
>> C. Allow user to update the configurations and save back over the top
>> of a specific named configuration.
>> D. Multiple reports could each have the same configuration name -- but
>> would be different due to the report GUID (or whatever used to identify
>> the report).
>> E. When report is first selected, get the "Default" configuration and
>> use that. If no "Default" and there are saved configurations, then list
>> the saved configurations for that report and let the user pick one to be
>> used. If no saved, then use the factory default.
>> I haven't looked at the current saved configurations to see how they are
>> setup so I may be totally out of line here. My vague thoughts are this
>> could be an XML backend with the report ID being the major selected, the
>> config name the second selection, and then each set option would have
>> its ID/Value pairs listed.
>> I've even thought so far as if there were ID/Value pairs not listed but
>> being used by the report, it would walk back up the configuration Tree
>> looking at "Default" and then the factory settings to resolve a missing
>> value. So far, I only see three levels to this tree: Factory,
>> "Default", and "Named" config.
>> But, you didn't ask me for that! What, in particular, would you like me
>> to review?
Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
Stephen.M.Butler51 at gmail.com
kg7je at arrl.net
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