[GNC-dev] Pie Chart

Christopher Lam christopher.lck at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 22:36:18 EST 2019


On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 at 09:31, Stephen M. Butler <kg7je at arrl.net> wrote:

> So far, my only negative is with the Average balance chart.  It's too
> tall and I lose the captions at the bottom (I maybe see 1 or 2 pixels of
> them).  When I scroll down then I lose the chart title at the top.  I am
> running 1920x1080 (16:9)

Agree - this is caused by *all* charts default to use 100% page size; I
think they should be reduced to 80%, with no (IMHO) negative consequences.

> Hint: new features added, and old features resurrected:
> > - clicky links from pie/line/bar graphs to drill down into
> > sub-charts,sub-reports, or register (this was disabled >10yrs ago?)
> SMB:  I don't think I made it to the register.  Just saw the
> non-selected sections expand to fill the pie.

Try: Asset/Income/Expense/Liability Chart and keep drilling down.
I think the Income/Expense over time may be modified to launch the
Transaction Report highlighting relevant period. TBD tonight :)

> SMB:  At least you have the end-of-year set correctly.  origin/maint
> 3.4-50 has a problem.  Separate email.

This end-of-year is the exact same bug currently affecting maint. My branch
currently reverts the offending commit, so, cannot be considered safe to
ship, but is adequate for testing. Thank you for feedback!

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