[GNC-dev] CSV Import Format

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Fri Mar 1 06:39:16 EST 2019

Op vrijdag 1 maart 2019 12:26:20 CET schreef cicko:
> Thanks a lot for this useful info, David. I'll keep in mind the possible
> issues with transfers, multiple accounts, and currencies during this
> exercise. Once I am happy with the code, I'll probably add my findings to
> the wiki.

Please do.

> In the meantime I'll be on the lookout for the results you get
> with the import testing.

So am I !

I am aware multi-currency import is currently flawed. Having a detailed 
overview of what fails/what extra is needed will help a lot in setting this 



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