[GNC-dev] CSV Import Format

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Fri Mar 1 17:42:38 EST 2019


It was not intention to pressure you... Especially as I don't have much time 
for development lately (like you plenty things to do in that other part of my 
life). So take your time . I'm thankful you're doing the analysis :)

Op vrijdag 1 maart 2019 23:26:50 CET schreef David Cousens:
> One thing I am not clear on is whether or not the single line mode is meant
> to be able to import a two split transaction when the split target
> currencies are in the same currency without relying on the matcher. I am
> presuming it is.

Yes. The matcher should only be needed in the even more restricted case that 
no transfer account is set.



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