[GNC-dev] Dependencies on Launchpad

Geert Janssens geert.gnucash at kobaltwit.be
Mon May 27 04:15:55 EDT 2019

Op maandag 27 mei 2019 09:22:42 CEST schreef Colin Law:
> I would not bother trying to build for Trusty. It went out of support
> in April, nobody should be using it now.
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases
> Colin


Trusty does come with googletest, but the package is called gtest. It was not 
merged yet with the google-mock package (both of which are required for 

I believe the real issue though is the version is too old. It's 1.6 and IIRC 
we need at least 1.7.


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