[GNC-dev] About 3.9 and reconciliation balances

Dale Phurrough dale at hidale.com
Fri Apr 17 10:27:11 EDT 2020

As an attempt for clarity, I don't globally agree with what David wrote
"The dates in a statement will all fall between the end date of the last
statement +1 (the start date of the current statement) and the end date of
the current statement as the statement dates are inclusive."

I believe in the global (as in all scenarios all possibilities) that the
dates for transactions in a statement would be on or before the end date of
the current statement. However, such transactions could also be before the
end date of the last statement. I have countless examples of this where I
caused/made a payment before the end of month and that payment wasn't
booked by a bank until the next month. In this scenario, the date that one
wants in GnuCash might be the causation date or the booking date.

I believe it is the user's choice of which date to save into GnuCash:
either the date the transaction was caused (e.g. data entry into GnuCash)
or the date the bank finally booked it. So the date should not be lower
bounded by the end date of the last statement. Instead, only upper bounded
by the end date of the current statement.

Follow my thinking?


On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 5:46 AM David Cousens <davidcousens at bigpond.com>

> hi Geert
> The first was really about directConnect OFX imports, not something I am
> all
> that familiar with since banks here won't allow us access. Another user in
> the discussion around Bug 797668 which I initially raised had mentioned
> direct reconciliation in the import of OFX directly from the bank. I may
> have misunderstood Gunter's comment that that procedure was starting the
> reconcile procedure and automaticallly reconciling.  I was trying to say
> tthat if the bank provided enough information that matched the GnuCash
> information, it may be possible to reconcile automatically but I think
> Gunter was actually referring to the marking of the transactions as cleared
> so it appeared checked when the reconcilaition was initiated.
> Agreed that the statement date is totally independent of the transaction
> date. The dates in a statement will all fall between the end date of the
> last statement +1 (the start date of the current statement) and the end
> date
> of the current statement as the statement dates are inclusive.
> The importers as far as I can tell  so far (OFX and CSV) don't set the
> reconcile flag to 'y' only to 'c' and the reconcile date is set to TODAY in
> the importing process. This shouldn't affect the manual reconcilaition
> process though which should set the reconciliation date to the statement
> end
> date when the flag is set to 'y'.
> I am currently trawling through the code to satisfy myself that I
> understand
> fullywhat is happening and will update the documentation accordingly if the
> update i did last year is misleading.
> Davdi
> -----
> David Cousens
> --
> Sent from: http://gnucash.1415818.n4.nabble.com/GnuCash-Dev-f1435356.html
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