[GNC-dev] New OFX Requirements For USAA FSB
Jean L
ripngo at gmail.com
Sun Feb 7 22:23:30 EST 2021
Wow, that's really cool. I would love to replicate that to be able to
connect to my bank as I'm sure many would. I wonder if there would be a
way to make that a bit easier than completely manually.
At the moment, I have a python script that logs into my bank, make the
right clicks and downloads the OFX files. Definitely NOT robust so I
would love to be able to go back to downloading ofx files directly.
Could you possibly write a small blurb on how to do this, from start to
finish? That would be super useful for me. On the other hand, I'm not
sure whether this is 100% within the law, not sure whether the DMCA has
something to say about this or not :(
On 2/7/2021 7:06 PM, Scott McRae wrote:
> >>/So I decided to give the devil his due and temporarily got a Quicken />>/subscription and setup an SSL man-in-the-middle. />Sure, you can have a man-in-the-middle setup, but if you don't have the
> >keys that quicken and the bank use to communicate and communications are
> >encoded, you can't get any data from being in the middle, unless I'm
> >missing something.
> I generated a self-signed cert and added to the trust store on my Mac OS
> keychain. I was actually able to get away with a very manual man-in-the-middle
> using an "openssl s_server" command running on 433, modifying the /etc/hosts
> file to point back to my machine, and copy-pasting the request to curl, then
> copy-pasting the response.
> On Sat, Feb 6, 2021 at 8:45 PM Scott McRae <smcrae at parax.com
> <mailto:smcrae at parax.com>> wrote:
> I got this working in my software with some help for the info on
> this list. Here is a write-up:
> USAA's changes to their OFX interface
> -------------------------------------
> On 2020-01-26, USAA's previous OFX interface
> (https://service2.usaa.com/ofx/OFXServlet) stopped working. It
> seems like they switched to a new interface through a tech
> provider to replace their previous login method (with your website
> credentials) to an app-specific ID and password. This is a good
> move for security, but it was done without notice, it seems, to
> anyone but Quicken.
> From some internet searches, I found some people on the right
> track to fixing this on the GNU Cash development mailing list:
> https://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2021-January/045664.html
> They were able to determine that USAA was:
> - using a new OFX endpoint:
> https://df3cx-services.1fsapi.com/casm/usaa/access.ofx
> - using a new OFX Org ID: USAA Federal Savings Bank
> - using a new OFX FID: 67811
> Additionally, someone on the USAA forums was about to extract and
> post the link to generate an App ID and PIN:
> source:
> https://communities.usaa.com/t5/Finances/USAA-Creates-Quicken-Monopoly/td-p/243850/highlight/false
> Authorization link: https://df3cx-services.1fsapi.com/casm/usaa/enroll
> However, with a lot of trial and error I still wasn't able to hit
> this new endpoint successfully. So I decided to give the devil his
> due and temporarily got a Quicken subscription and setup an SSL
> man-in-the-middle.
> The new OFX interface is *very* finicky, so you basically have to
> input everything exactly the way it expects it. Here is an example
> of an account listing query that works:
> echo -en
> Federal Savings
> Bank\r\n<FID>67811\r\n</FI>\r\n<APPID>QMOFX\r\n<APPVER>2300\r\n<CLIENTUID>1955A543-B071-455E-A31E-73CC7C493D68\r\n</SONRQ>\r\n</SIGNONMSGSRQV1>\r\n<SIGNUPMSGSRQV1>\r\n<ACCTINFOTRNRQ>\r\n<TRNUID>e39add7d-2085-4504-b9ee-be37927de39c\r\n<ACCTINFORQ>\r\n<DTACCTUP>19900101\r\n</ACCTINFORQ>\r\n</ACCTINFOTRNRQ>\r\n</SIGNUPMSGSRQV1>\r\n</OFX>\r\n"
> | curl -isS -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-ofx" -A
> InetClntApp/3.0 --data-binary @-
> https://df3cx-services.1fsapi.com/casm/usaa/access.ofx
> Note you have to change the XXXXX and NNNNN to the App ID and PIN
> you get from the link above.
> Some things I've found through trial and error:
> - The OFX elements must be separated with "\r\n". This is dumb,
> but true. No spaces. No simple "\n". Exactly "\r\n".
> - The APPID "QMOFX" and APPVER "QMOFX" work. Others I tried did not.
> - The CLIENTUID "1955A543-B071-455E-A31E-73CC7C493D68" works for
> me. It must be uppercase. This might be particular to your
> account. If so, you can find it looking at the OFX logs from Quicken.
> - TRNUID must be present, but an UUID will do.
> - DTACCTUP: The value "19900101" works. The value "19700101" does
> not. The value "19900101000000" does not.
> - You need the "Content-Type: application/x-ofx" header
> - You need the User-Agent "InetClntApp/3.0". This is what Quicken
> for Mac sends.
> It also seems their gateway will under some conditions put your IP
> on a ban list. If you are testing, you may want to spin up an AWS
> instance or something. When you get on it, you'll start seeing an
> empty HTML page response, like:
> <html>
> <head>
> <META NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex,nofollow">
> <script
> src="/_Incapsula_Resource?SWJIYLWA=5074a744e2e3d891814e9a2dace20bd4,719d34d31c8e3a6e6fffd425f7e032f3">
> </script>
> <body>
> </body></html>
> Valid queries will work from different source IPs when this happens.
> Thanks to Bob White on the GNU Cash list and RDD! on the USAA
> Forums for the breadcrumbs. No thanks to USAA for swapping out
> their functional interface with absolutely no notice or
> documentation and pretending like Quicken users are the only
> customers of any importance. Please just don't break our software
> again... at least for awhile.
> - Scott McRae
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