[Gnucash-fr] Special Translations for Windows menu items, anyone?
spelya at yahoo.ca
Dim 8 Juil 11:45:20 EDT 2007
I hope this draft French translation will help. A copy is also mailed to
gnucash-fr mailing list for revision and correction.
À la communauté francophone: Est-ce qu'un volontaire peut en faire la
relecture et apporter les corrections requises ?
On Sunday 08 July 2007 09:16, you wrote:
> Our preparations for the 2.2.0 release that features GnuCash on Windows are
> right on track. Andreas and everyone have been squashing lots of bugs,
> especially windows-specific ones, so that IMHO 2.2.0 for next weekend can
> be released just fine.
> There is one peculiarity about the newly introduced user-visible strings on
> Windows: The menu items in the Windows Start menu by default will appear
> English. It is possible to translate those as well, but their
> must be written into a different file than the normal po/LL.po files.
> Instead, translations of our custom strings *during the Windows installer*
> and *in the Start menu* have to be written into the control file of the
> Inno setup.exe generator.
> If anyone is up for translating these few strings to different languages,
> I've appended the collection below, along with the existing German
> translation. Each message simply is one line. If you want to contribute
> your translation, just send it to me and I'll commit it to SVN.
> Also, two text files are presented during the User while going through
> Setup wizard on Windows: COPYING for the license, and
> doc/README.win32-bin.txt as an explanation after the installation has been
> completed. For both files, translated versions can be supplied as well, as
> I have already done for the README. If you are up for translating those as
> well (and the README is probably more interesting), just submit these to me
> as well.
> Best Regards,
> Christian
> [CustomMessages]
> ;; *** "Select Components" wizard page
> FullInstall=Full installation
> CustomInstall=Custom installation
> CreateDesktopIcon=Create a &desktop icon
> CreateMenuLink=Create a start menu link
> RunPrg=Run GnuCash now
> AdditionalIcons=Create these icons:
> StatusMsgFirewall=Installing Windows firewall rules...
> MainFiles=GnuCash Program
> TranslFiles=Translation Files
> TemplFiles=Account Template Files
> IconComment_GnuCash=GnuCash Free Finance Manager
> IconComment_README=Show the README file
> IconFilename_README=README.win32-bin.txt
> IconName_FAQ=FAQ (Online)
> IconName_Bugzilla=Report a Bug (Online)
> IconName_InstallFQ=Install Online Price Retrieval
> IconComment_InstallFQ=Install the necessary perl module Finance-Quote for
> online retrieval of prices. Requires ActivePerl 5.8
> IconName_Uninstall=Uninstall GnuCash
> IconComment_Uninstall=Uninstall the Finance Manager GnuCash
> ;; German translation
;; French translation
;; *** "Select Components" wizard page
fr.FullInstall=Installation complète
fr.CustomInstall=Installation personnalisée
fr.CreateDesktopIcon=Créer un icône sur le bureau
fr.CreateMenuLink=Créer un lien dans le menu de démarrage
fr.RunPrg=Démarrer GnuCash maintenant
fr.AdditionalIcons=Créer les icônes suivants:
fr.StatusMsgFirewall=Installation des règles de pare-feu sous Windows
fr.MainFiles=Programme GnuCash
fr.TranslFiles=Traduction française
fr.TemplFiles=Modèle de plan comptable
fr.IconComment_GnuCash=GnuCash, le gestionnaire financier OpenSource
fr.IconName_README=Afficher le LISEZMOI
fr.IconComment_README=Afficher le fichier LISEZMOI
fr.IconName_FAQ=FAQ (En ligne)
fr.IconName_Bugzilla=Envoyer un rapport d'erreur (En ligne, en anglais)
fr.IconName_InstallFQ=Installer les quotations en ligne
fr.IconComment_InstallFQ=Installation du module Finance-Quote requis pour le
téléchargement du cours des devises et actions.
Le programme ActivePerl 5.8 est aussi requis
fr.IconName_Uninstall= Dé-installer GnuCash
fr.IconComment_Uninstall=Dé-installe le gestionnaire financier GnuCash
On Sunday 08 July 2007 09:16, Christian Stimming wrote:
Plus d'informations sur la liste de diffusion gnucash-fr