[GnuCash-it] prova

Luca saba lucasaba a gmail.com
Mer 8 Apr 2015 13:28:47 EDT

Si :)

Il giorno 8 aprile 2015 19:27, Renato Pontefice <renato.pontefice a gmail.com>
ha scritto:

> Salve,
> scusate, prima di "inerpcarmi" in lunghi post, vorrei accertarmi che tutto
> si ok.
> Ricevete il mio messaggio alla lista gnucash-it.org ?
> Grazie
> Renato
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It is easier to move a problem around (for example, by moving the problem
to a different part of the overall network architecture) than it is to
solve it.
6th truth - rfc1925
Einstein: Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is
limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating
progress, giving birth to evolution.
Heinlein: Specialization is for Insects

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