Two Accounts Created Using Import QIF Files
Bill Gribble
Thu, 2 Nov 2000 08:46:25 -0600
On Wed, Oct 18, 2000 at 08:35:14PM -0700, Richard Court wrote:
> After clicking OK GNUcash created two bank accounts:
> |-pcf
> |-Unspecified
This is completely normal. Gnucash uses "double entry" accounting,
which means that all transactions affect multiple accounts; if you buy
food with a check from your bank, the Food Expenses account and the
Bank account are both involved. Since your Quicken file contained no
information about the "categories" (Quicken's term for the same basic
idea) of your expenses, Gnucash lumped them all together in one big
expense/income account.
As you get more sophisticated in your accounting, you will find that
having accounts for your various sources of expenditure and income
will be a very useful tool.
To answer your questions: don't delete either account; they both
belong there. To look at your bank account, double click on the 'pcf'
line, and (if you want) just ignore the "Unspecified" line. I would
suggest creating a set of income and expense accounts, and
re-classifying your transactions from "unspecified" to the appropriate
Bill Gribble