Monthly tasks?
Chris Moewes-Bystrom
Thu, 5 Apr 2001 16:50:06 -0500
Is there a way to add an entry at the command line like
> gnucash --add "Paycheck" "Checking Account" "Pay Check" "Income"
Even this would be great as then you could write a simple program to create
gnucash crontab entries.
On Thursday 05 April 2001 16:35, James LewisMoss wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 05 Apr 2001 16:44:11 -0400, Jean-David Beyer
> >>>>> <> said:
> Jean-David> Guido Milanese wrote:
> >> I am a new user of gnucash and I think it's really a good
> >> program. I have a question. In another accounting program i used
> >> under Windows there was a useful feature: it was possible to
> >> 'plan' in advance e.g. regular monthly tasks (as salary); more
> >> generally, it was possible to instruct the program to enter
> >> scheduled transactions. This was useful also as a reminder for
> >> deadlines. Is it possible to do the same using gnucash?
> Jean-David> It sounds as though you are referring to the "Scheduled
> Jean-David> Transactions" of Quicken. If I understand correctly, this
> Jean-David> is on the wish-list for GnuCash, and someone may even be
> Jean-David> developing it.
> Someone is working on it. It's not expected to be finished for 1.6,
> but shortly thereafter.
> Jim
Chris Moewes-Bystrom