Reconciliation Problem

Jean-David Beyer
Thu, 12 Apr 2001 20:53:16 -0400

I am running gnucash-1.4.10-1 on a dual 550MHz Pentium III machine
running VA Linux Systems 2.2.14-VA.2.1smp kernel (based on Red Hat
6.2) of their 6.2.3 release.

I am populating the records into a stock market account and am trying
to make reconcile work. So near and yet so far:

Reconcile Information Window says: 

Statement Date:   2001-04-12
Starting Balance: $0.00
Ending Balance:   1,179.83

This agrees with my paper statement.

I check all the entries in the Funds In and Funds Out subwindows. At
that point, the Total Funds In is $58.485.13 and the Total Funds Out
is $57,305.29. The bottom right of the Reconcile Window says:

  Starting Balance:    $0.00
    Ending Balance: $1179.83
Reconciled Balance: $1179.83
        Difference:   $-0.00 <---<<< The number is in red.

and the Finish button is greyed out.

Now if I subtract $57,305.29 from $58.485.13, I get not $1179.83, but
1179.84. I infer a round-off error, but how do I fix it so I can
reconcile this thing?

I tried putting in a dummy transaction of $0.01 in there, but that
does not help. I find I cannot put in a transaction that uses less
than $0.01, and I imagine I may be off by less than $0.01 or I would
not get a difference of $-0.00 .

 .~.  Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                             Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\ Shrewsbury, New Jersey 
^^-^^ 8:35pm up 11 days, 3:24, 3 users, load average: 2.02, 2.08, 2.02