updating unit trust prices automatically
Michael T. Garrison Stuber
Tue, 31 Jul 2001 20:59:48 -0400
I really like the idea. I'm in the middle of finishing a script which
creates XML entries that I can slap into the GNUCash file from my 401k
provider. I'd far prefer to be able to import them "properly" through the
application. A simple XML format would be ideal.
--On Wednesday, August 01, 2001 08:21:50 AM +1200 Glenn Walbran
<gwalbran@yahoo.co.nz> wrote:
> Hello
> I've recently started using gnucash and would like to use the gnu-prices
> feature to update the prices of the unit trusts I have. The problem is
> the unit trust prices are not listed on the stock tickers that are
> supported.
> I was planning on hacking the gnu-prices script to work for me but then
> thought that others might want the same feature. I was thinking that a
> "file" option could be added to the stock ticker options in gnucash.
> This would tell the gnu-prices script to get price information from a
> file. Then the user would have to create the file (or script to generate
> the file) with the updated prices.
> Any thoughts, suggestions or has this been done already?
> Regards
> Glenn
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