gnucash on RH7.1
Paul Lussier
Wed, 01 Aug 2001 09:47:23 -0400
In a message dated: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 09:45:18 EDT
Matthew P. Soccio said:
>How on earth do I install gnucash on Red Hat 7.1.
>I tried 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 but both of those have such an enourmous
>cascade of unsatisfied dependencies that I have now been downloading
>rpms in all of my spare time for the past two days...
Welcome to dependancie hell :)
>Does anyone have some good documentation or hints to get any version of
>gnucash working on Red Hat 7.1?
Your best bet is to install Ximian-Gnome and install everything so
that you have the latest/greatest of it all. The Ximian installer is
completely automated, so once you answer a couple of questions, you
should be able to walk away for a while and come back to a completely
installed machine.
Your other option is to switch to Debian and use apt-get :)
(trust me, once you switch to Debian and get used to it's few quirks,
you'll never go back to RH! )
HTH, Good luck!
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Tom Clancy, The Bear and The Dragon
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