Changing unit trust/stock account details
Keith Refson
Tue, 14 Aug 2001 15:31:04 +0100
I have just updated to 1.6.1, and need to correct a few problems with
my unit trust (mutual fund) and shares.
1. I have not found a way to change the "security" type on a "mutual
fund" account. This is a problem if you need to switch quote sources
(as I wish to) since they are not necessarily identical.
2. There does not appear to be support for all of the quote sources
included in the Finance::Quote module -- in particular
Finance::Quote::Trustnet. How easy would it be to add this?
Keith Refson
Dr Keith Refson, "Paradigm is a word too often used by those who would
Dept of Earth Sciences like to have a new idea but cannot think of one."
Parks Road, -- Mervyn King, Deputy Governor, Bank of England
Oxford OX1 3PR, UK
Keith.Refson@ Tel: 01865 272026 Fax: 01865 272072