Auto-repeating entries
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 10:40:47 -0600 (CST)

It's been rumoured that Paul Lussier said:
> In a message dated: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 09:37:07 PST
> Dan Kegel said:
> >Linas probably just meant that scheme/guile was originally added 
> >to gnucash for user scripting, and turned out to be much more than that.
> So does that mean there will still be a user editable config file?

Uhhh, maybe can bring this up on the gnucash-devel mailing list.
I beleive the current thinking is that all preferences are setable with
the preferences GUI dialog.  They are stored in the
quasi-human-unreadable config file ~/.gnucash/

In the distant future, user prefs will be stored in a database, so
that as you move from machine to machine, your preferences are not lost.

> Hmmm, I'm an old Perl programmer who just bought W. Richards Stevens Unix 
> Programming book, and have been putting off learning things like tcl/tk
> (because I really don't like it) 

So, don't. Its close enough to perl and perl::tk that you don't need to

> and Lisp (because I've just never gotten 
> around to it :)

Study scheme instead.  scheme is a dialect of lisp that is specially
designed to have all the power and none(less?) of the foreign-ness of 
lisp.  e.g. scheme books start by explaining addition & subtraction
and function calls, instead of car and cdr and eval.  Much more 
