Auto-repeating entries

Paul Lussier
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 11:50:55 -0500

In a message dated: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 10:40:47 CST said:

>Uhhh, maybe can bring this up on the gnucash-devel mailing list.
>I beleive the current thinking is that all preferences are setable with
>the preferences GUI dialog.  They are stored in the
>quasi-human-unreadable config file ~/.gnucash/

Hmm, okay.  I suppose since it will be easily done from within the gui, then 
an easily editable file isn't necessary.  I can deal with arcane it I find the 
need to really go in and muck with stuff, understanding that I'll likely shoot 
myself in the foot :)

>In the distant future, user prefs will be stored in a database, so
>that as you move from machine to machine, your preferences are not lost.

Er, what kind of database?  Do you mean a flat file type of thing that gets 
parsed, or am I going to need to fire up a MySQL/PostreSQL server just to do 
my finances?  Will transactions also move into the DB as well?
If so, that then begs the question of how soon will there be a web-based front 
end to all this thereby requiring an apache server with SSL?

While these ideas do hold a certain attraction, I think it's a little 
unrealistic to expect the average user who just want's a Quicken clone on 
Linux to then need a DBMS, web server and SSL running on their system.  Not to 
mention that you'll then get those clueless induhviduals who will attempt to 
do their finances over the web, and then wonder why their credit cards are 
being used by someone in some other country!

Sorry, didn't mean to turn this into a tirade :)


	It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

	 If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!