Test sql functionality
Linas Vepstas
Mon, 25 Jun 2001 09:44:57 -0500
Thanks for all your efforts,
On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 08:49:45PM -0700, Chris Lyttle was heard to remark:
> Linas,
> I did some more testing and ran a few sql commands to look at the actual
> db I created. It seems that if I create a db and then add new accounts
> it works fine to add them. If I try to save an already existing account
> (convert it from the flat text file to the db) it creates the db but
> doesn't save anything apart from the table names. I tried to resave the
> file to the db after I had created it with the same result, no data
> saved.=20
You still have not replied to me in the affirmative that you have tried=20
the one thing I suggested a while ago:
> > > > Due to a bug in 1.6.0 (which I fixed recently), you need to save as=
> > > >=20
> > > > postgres://localhost/somenewname?mode=3Dsingle-user-update
Indeed, the trace that you just sent me shows that you are *not*=20
using this URL:
> Enter: gnc_book_begin: ignore_lock=3D0, book-id=3Dpostgres://localhost/n=
Linas Vepstas -- linas@gnumatic.com -- http://www.gnumatic.com/