Bug: Accounts with umlauts seldom work

lmb lars@marowsky-bree.de
Sun, 18 Nov 2001 20:46:37 +0100

Hi guys,

I am running into a most obscure bug here; using 1.6.4 on SuSE 7.3. When I
started, I created an account hierarchy using the templates available. Those
account names contain German umlauts.

Now, after some time of quite successfully using it, I am running into a
problem: I cannot enter the account names (nor select them from the list!) any
longer! Of course, this is quite annoying, because it means I can't enter new
transactions ;-)

It is spewing errors like:

Error: gnc_quickfill_insert: bad text conversion
Error: gnc_mbstowcs: bad multi-byte conversion
Error: gnucash_sheet_modify_curre...(): bad text: Aktiva:Barvermögen:Bargeld
Error: gnc_mbstowcs: bad multi-byte conversion

at me.

Do you have any hints on how to fix this?


"I'm extraordinarily patient provided I get my own way in the end."
        -- Margeret Thatcher