Organizing files
Frank Sfalanga
24 Oct 2001 18:00:57 -0400
I was kinda wondering about this myself. I think (hope) that someone
will come up with the necessary code to close out a period when the time
arrives. Hey, at least with open source software we can always pay
someone to add that feature later on down the road if the developers
have moved on to something else, right?
On Tue, 2001-10-23 at 21:50, Matt Kowske wrote:
> I was wondering what is the standard practice for managing financial
> data files? I just started using gnucash a few months ago and realize
> that if I continue to use it for many years that a huge amount of data
> and transactions are going to accumulate. When i open my checkbook
> register a few years down the road it will have hundreds if not
> thousands of pages. Will this slow down the program? Make it
> unstable? Do most people start an entirely new .xcs file at the start
> of a new year and then put old ones in a .gz file or what? Just
> curious what the best way to go about this is. The thing that concerns
> me most is if i start a new file on the new year, it won't really be
> accurate. I'll have to have "Initial Balances" for everything and I
> won't be able to see where that money came from. What does everyone
> else do?
> -Matt
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