XML size (was: no subject)
Roland Roberts
02 Apr 2002 12:41:27 -0500
>>>>> "Derek" == Derek Atkins <warlord@MIT.EDU> writes:
Derek> I think finding an embedded sql system would be a great
Derek> approach, provided the database is portable. I think the
Derek> overhead of setting up a SQL server is greater than many
Derek> users want to have, but if we can get the benefits of a
Derek> database by using an embedded system (which would hide from
Derek> the user the fact that SQL is being used), that would be
Derek> ideal. The user still sees a "file" but we're using SQL
Derek> internally.
I'm a lurker here, but I'll jump in anyway.
As a user, I would see little or no benefit in having the internals
changed to using embedded SQL if externally it is still a file. The
benefit to me is when I can have both my wife and I work on gnucash
simultaneously. Most often we both want to update our accounts once
the kids have gone to sleep. Having a file requires we do the updates
sequentially even though the updates are orthogonal. Having a *real*
database gives me features a file doesn't.
No, I'm not an average user in that I already have PostgreSQL set up
for other things, and I don't consider the extra work to be a burden.
But your average person probably will which means that the change to
use SQL internally is only useful to me if it can switch been "file"
and database server.
PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD
Roland B. Roberts, PhD RL Enterprises
roland@rlenter.com 76-15 113th Street, Apt 3B
roland@astrofoto.org Forest Hills, NY 11375