[hannes: Import filter for tab-delimited files
Johannes Hüsing
Sun, 28 Apr 2002 16:27:13 +0200
Sorry for reposting this question. I haven't yet received a reply
to it, and I am uncertain where to redirect it, or how to rephrase
it, to increase its probability to be answered.
If you feel the question is ill-posed, or off-topic, please tell
me so. If you have a hint towards an answer for me, I'd also be
very grateful.
----- Forwarded message from hannes -----
To: gnucash-user@lists.gnucash.org
Subject: Import filter for tab-delimited files
Reply-To: johannes.huesing@ruhrau.de
I am considering switching to homebanking and setting up Gnucash for it.
My bank (Postbank) offers a download of my account statements as a
tab-delimited flat file. Has anybody already written an import filter
for it? If not, could anybody gently direct me on how to write one? I
am not a newbie to Lisp but new to the Gnucash specific functions.
Or is there a tool to convert tab-delimited tables to .qif so I can
use the ingenious Quicken import facility of Gnucash :-) ?
Johannes Hüsing There is something fascinating about science. One gets
hannes@ruhrau.de such wholesale returns of conjecture from such a
trifling investment of fact. Mark Twain
----- End forwarded message -----
Johannes Hüsing There is something fascinating about science. One gets
hannes@ruhrau.de such wholesale returns of conjecture from such a
trifling investment of fact. Mark Twain