Bugzilla, was Re: Setting up Gnucash for the first time

Derek Atkins warlord@MIT.EDU
09 Dec 2002 22:34:19 -0500

[sorry if you see this twice -- mailer bombed -derek]


> Personally, I've been referred to bugzilla a couple of times.
> And visited there once or twice, in the hopes of trying to
> figure out some bug I've run across.  And everytime I've
> visited bugzilla, I've come away "Never again will I have
> anything to do with this site!".  I don't know what it
> is, but I find that site completely useless.

Your input is extremely useful.  I admit that we do not control
bugzilla, but perhaps you could explain what you find so difficult?
If you you want look for a bug, you put in the program (GnuCash in our
case), and then any other "limiting" information to search for a bug.
If you want to enter a new bug, you click on "New Bug", then page down
and click on "GnuCash", and then fill in the form (if the pieces of
the form are not obvious, PLEASE let us know in what way so we can fix

Complaining "it sucks" without explaining _how_ it sucks does nothing
to help us make it better.

>     Obviously
> other people don't.  However, if someone here (or elsewhere)
> suggested that I submit something to bugzilla, I would
> just silently ignore the request and try to find another
> way around the problem.

I'm sorry you feel that way.  Could you explain in what what you feel
that submitting a bug is so difficult?  If I told you to go to:


Would that help any?  (Note that this page is only two clicks away
from the bugzilla.gnome.org main page).

We can only improve people when people explain what is wrong.  Saying
"it sucks" doesn't help.  Contrary to popular belief, we DO want to
help, but you need to help us help you.



       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord@MIT.EDU                        PGP key available