Scheduled Transaction Editor Display Bug ?

Laurent Jacques
Thu, 26 Dec 2002 16:57:32 +0100


I have perhaps detected a display bug with the scheduled transaction.
Gnucash 1.7.6 (build 23 december) on debian sid.

It is however difficult to reproduce it:

1°) Open gnucash
2°) Go to Actions -> Scheduled transactions -> Scheduled transactions Editor
3°) Place the corresponding new window just above the main one of gnucash so 
that its closing cross (in the window decorations) appears even if the 
scheduled transaction editor window is masked by the main gnucash window (I 
hope you see what I mean ;-)
3°) Go on the calendar and click to obtain the small summary related to the 
pointed date
4°) Switch to the main gnucash window with the keyboard shortcut related to 
your window manager (under windowmaker and kde this is Alt+Tab)
5°) Then, the small summary described above is displayed in the middle of the 
main gnucash window !?
6°) Click on the closing cross of the masked scheduled transaction window 
without obtaining its focus and the small summary is displayed forever until 
the closing of Gnucash.

Hoping you will understand my bad english.

You have made all a very impressive work for this new future Gnucash 1.8 

P.S. Merry Christmas and Happy new year.