Instability in 1.6.5

Dave Peticolas
13 Feb 2002 14:19:23 -0800

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On Wed, 2002-02-13 at 11:41, Dave Williams wrote:
> Hello -
> I was using 1.4 on my RH7.1 system with the Ximian desktop.  Their
> updater offered 1.6.5, so I installed it.
> An initial problem was the guile library -- although the site says to
> use a newer version (with Gnucash wouldn't start because
> it was looking for!
> I solved that problem by forcing the older package of guile to install
> on my system along with the newer one.  No problem, Gnucash starts up.
> But here's the thing: I'm using double-entry accounting and completely
> standard categories.  My old chart-of-accounts was imported, and
> everything looked fine.  I like the new features of 1.6.5, and was
> looking forward to using it.  But it crashed the moment I opened one of
> my account registers.
> When I restarted the program it couldn't open anything!  So I rebuilt my
> accounts from a backup I made in QIF format.  Okay, there they were, but
> almost anything I do (view a report, examine a transaction) causes a
> crash.  And every time I restart Gnucash I can't open my old accounts.=20
> I've rebuilt them several times in several different ways.  Always the
> same thing -- crash and un-openable file.
> I don't imagine there's a quick fix for this.  Aside from going back to
> 1.4, are there any plans to build a more stable release?  I don't know
> where to submit bug reports, but I really do like the program.  All I
> can do is sit on my hands and wait!

GnuCash 1.6 is generally quite stable, so I'm not sure what's
going on there. Is there an error message after the crash?


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