GnuCash with Euro and Dollar

Nicolas Scheffer
Sat, 08 Jun 2002 19:15:30 +0200


I am new on gnucash but i try since several month to setup my data into
Gnucash and got several questions :
- how to setup properly Gnucash at startup for LOCALE settings ? (language,
currencies, etc ...)
- i have 2 accounts on in France in Euro now and the other in Californa in
US Dollar
- i travel a lot in Europe and USA and i don't know if Gnucash can be used
to handle my both bank account and have categories (Flight, Hotel, etc..)
with diffrent currencies, is it possible ?
- now in Europe everything is in Euro, how to start with GnuCash with Euro
by default and not Euro support from (for example) a french account in
francs ? (i forget to put data before 2001 because of mix with Francs and
Euro). In fact i want to start now and the past using only Euro and Dollar.

I don't find a lot of useful info in my case on the web site. Does the next
release 1.7 solve my problem ?

Thanks for your answer and your help, and sorry formy english.


Nicolas Scheffer