How hard is it to get gnucash to compile from source?

Linas Vepstas
Mon, 4 Mar 2002 13:25:08 -0600

On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 08:56:48AM -0700, Rusty Carruth was heard to remark:
> I have a situation where I want to modify gnucash to
> report the 'rolled-up' balance when I make a 'register'
> page (the page that shows balance, transaction, etc,
> and that shows up as a tabbed page along with the 
> account summary/tree), when doing an account with
> subaccounts WITH the included subaccounts.
> (whew!  If that did not make sense, I can try again...)
> I think I inquired about that feature a while back, and
> what I remember was silence, so I'm thinking its time
> to get gnucash compiling and figure out how to add
> a 'include subaccounts in balance' option....

You'll need to learn scheme, if you don't know scheme ...

> However, I remember how much excitement I had upgrading
> to a more recent gnucash - is this going to take me longer
> to get gnucash to compile than to wait for someone else
> to add the feature?  ;-) / 2

:-) just be sure to isntall all of the 'dev' versions of all the
libraries you'd installed previously.

You may want to start posting to gnucash-devel after you've successfully
conmpiled ..


pub  1024D/01045933 2001-02-01 Linas Vepstas (Labas!) <>
PGP Key fingerprint = 8305 2521 6000 0B5E 8984  3F54 64A9 9A82 0104 5933