disposing of splits

Robert A. Uhl ruhl@4dv.net
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 17:34:13 -0700

On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 06:25:18PM -0500, Haines Brown wrote:
> If I create two new accounts in the proper fashion, how do I
> retrieve my existing data?  I can't simply Open it, nor import it as
> QIF.

Create a new file, and create the two new accounts therein.  You only
have a single datum: your chequing account balance.  You can simply
type that in as a transfer from Transactions to Chequing.

If you wanted to do it a little bit better, you'd transfer from an
equity account to Chequing.

Robert Uhl <ruhl@4dv.net>
Homines est!  Dici omnes!  Soylens viridis HOMINES EST!